Last week Paul & the Dragon won the price for 'Best Animated Film' in Montevideo, Uruguay, at the the 18th International Uruguayan Film Festival for Children and Teen-agers, DIVERCINE. The film also got a Special Mention on the festival. Excellent!
This is what the jury had to say about it:
"Por el excelente guión que, sin diálogos, logra transmitir lúdicamente la visión y las emociones de un niño ante el diagnóstico de cáncer en su cuerpo. Logra encontrar humor donde habitualmente sólo hay drama y logra encontrar vida donde se cree que solo hay muerte"Roughly translated by Google:
"Its excellent script, without any dialogue, manages to convey the vision and playful emotions of a child before the diagnosis of cancer in his body. It finds humor where there is usually only tragedy and finds life where it is believed that there is only death"