Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Festival Update!

Our animated short 'Little Quentin' has been selected to play at the following festivals:
4-12, February Clermont Ferrand:21-26 March, Festival International du Film d'Aubagne6-15 May, Planete Doc:So if you're anywhere near France or Poland the coming months go get them tickets!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Startin' Floyd

A new year, a new short film. This week we started working on Falling Floyd. We're doing some final rewrites on the story about the man and his demon.
More coming soon.

I read the news today oh boy

Today in newspaper 'Trouw' an article about animated features in Holland, including a couple of pre-production drawings from 'Trippel Trappel', the featurefilm we're working on. Find a digital version of the article here.